My curriculum vitae

Here you can find the educational and professional background of Johann Wolfgang Schoop. Last updated in April 2023.

Picture of me at the Evo.Con

According to my profession, I am a manager, in other words part of the functional elite of corporations and other large organizations, and I am this out of conviction. “Get the right things done” (Peter Drucker) and that with and within organizations, for me is the manager's mission.

Having been at the head of quite different organizations as an elected student leader and as an independent IT entrepreneur, then continuing my career in a corporation, practicing this profession is, so to speak, the logical culmination, especially since I also went through the corresponding academic training as a doctor of economics.

Professional career

Manager, Deutsche Telekom AG (2011 – heute)
Self-employed IT entrepreneur (2004 – 2011)
President (CEO) of Student Government (2009/2010)

Academic degrees

PhD in Management & Economics, HHL Leipzig (2022)
MSc in Management & Economics, University of Hagen (2014)
BSc in Economics, University of Bonn (2011)